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Re: How to start PPP?

> Okay; I give up on the documentation. Maybe someone on the list can help.

I think you are too hasty about it. In general, documantation is not easy to 
read and understand, but it is a great source for help.

As for your problem:
1) Check Debian's FAQ-O-MATIC. I don't know what it has but I think there is 
relevant info.
2) Try to test the connection as root. Permitions problems are quite common 
and testing the connection as root helps to examine them.
3) Try to cahnge the references from /dev/modem to /dev/ttyS1 (if your modem 
on COM2, /dev/ttyS2 if it is on COM3, etc).
4) Have a look at the relevant log lines abd see if that help you focous on 
the problem.
5) Install minicom and see if you can call your ISP with it, and what is their 
6) Mail the list if you need further help. Attaching the relevant log file 
lines is desirable.
> I've got a minimal Debian 2.0 system up and running (base install from the
> floppies and that's it). I've run pppconfig and told it to create a
> connection named "bub". I haven't found any documentation that tells me how
> to use this connection. I've found several references to running pon, or
> pppd, and references to chatscript and provider and etc etc etc.
> I've figured out that if I just type pon the system tries to use the
> "provider" connection (which doesn't work, presumably because the
> "provider" files aren't properly configured - it gives an error message
> about /dev/modem being an unrecognized option). But if I type pon bub
> (which is what I would have thought would've used the "bub" connection),
> all that happens is the system thinks for a couple of seconds and then
> returns me to a prompt. There's no modem activity or messages or anything.
> Any suggestions as to what I can do different? Thanks!
> ===========================================================
> Kent West			| Technology Support/                 		|
> Abilene Christian University	| Voice: 915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724	|
> ACU Station, Box 29005	| E-MAIL: kent.west@infotech.acu.edu		|
> Abilene, TX  79699-9005	| Ham:    KC5ENO, General			|
> ===========================================================
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