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How to start PPP?

1: the documentation for ppp is in the man pages, which you probably
have not installed?

2: the correct way to start ppp is 'pon connect-name' where
connect-name is the name of the service you gave when you ran pppconfig.

3. I seem to have a similar problem.  The mystery became clear when I
started ppp from an XTerm.  I had an xconsole open and all the 'debug'
messages from pppd were piped into the xconsole by default so I could
see what was happening.  There should be a way to get this to happen
from a tty console as well.  In my case it appears that my serial
ports sometimes don't get initialized correctly the first time.  Under
debian 1.3.1 starting pon pppd would time out after about a minute,
then be restarted and would dial out on the modem.  Under debian 2.0 I
have to start pon, then kill the process (pppd), then start pon again
to get it to work.  Using pon, poff, then pon again also works.

4. Are you using the right serial port?  /dev/ttyS0 (com1), or
/dev/ttyS1 (com2)?  /dev/modem should be a symlink to one of the
above.  DONT USE /dev/cuaX !!! 


Okay; I give up on the documentation. Maybe someone on the list can

I've got a minimal Debian 2.0 system up and running (base install from
floppies and that's it). I've run pppconfig and told it to create a
connection named "bub". I haven't found any documentation that tells me
to use this connection. I've found several references to running pon, or
pppd, and references to chatscript and provider and etc etc etc.

I've figured out that if I just type pon the system tries to use the
"provider" connection (which doesn't work, presumably because the
"provider" files aren't properly configured - it gives an error message
about /dev/modem being an unrecognized option). But if I type pon bub
(which is what I would have thought would've used the "bub" connection),
all that happens is the system thinks for a couple of seconds and then
returns me to a prompt. There's no modem activity or messages or

Any suggestions as to what I can do different? Thanks!

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