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Apache children getting out of control

Hi all,

I don't know if this is some kind of DoS attack, and I haven't been able
to grab apache-1.3.0-5 yet; as a matter of fact, I tried switching to
the debianized 1.3.1 from slink, with no success.

Sometimes, one (or more) of the apache processes grows abnormally in
memory (from around 1.3Mb to some 20-30Mb) and starts to take lots of
processor time (load average goes from ~0.1 to 3-4 easily, more if more
processes go "crazy"). Killing the process makes the problem go away, but
it reappears randomly. I haven't been able to figure out what is causing
this, as nothing weird goes to the logs. 

Anybody knows anything about it? How should I try to diagnose the problem

That's Internet!

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