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Re: Was the release of Debian 2.0 put on Linux Announce?

On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, Paulo J. da Silva e Silva wrote:

> I am using Debian for a year and a half and I think it is the best. But I also
> thought people over there were polite and reasonable, and, unfortunately, that
> was not what I could find out in *some* e-mails in this thread. Does anyone
> doubt that George is an Debian supporter and that everything he was saying,
> even if nonsense, should be treated with good will?

I agree. If I am speaking nonsense, just tell me what part of my idea is
nonsense and why rather than a blanket statement along the lines of "The
thoughts of the user community are of no importance to us" which is the
message I heard. That hurts as a user and leaves one feeling that they
can not contribute the results of their life experiance which may be quite
a bit more varied than a 20yo developer. 

> 90 compiler, so I have to use commercial software. So why should I drop Debian
> to use it. No way! And I hope I will never be obliged to do it.

And you have the technical knowlege to obtain commercial source and
recompile it. I was addressing the needs of the "unwashed masses" who
simply want to install a package of Corel Office or Oracle and know that
it will work with their Debian system.

George Bonser

Microsoft! Which end of the stick do you want today?

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