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Re: StarOffice4 and libc6/5

On: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 12:26:53 -0700 tony mollica writes:
> Hi.
> Has anyone successfully run SO4sp3 on a
> hamm system with the libc5 package installed?

It works well for me.  You just need to install some X11-related
libraries from oldlibs, I thing xlib6 and xpm4.7 should be sufficient
for running SO4.

> Also, can anyone offer a short explanation (or where to find it) of
> the utmp problem and how to avoid it if this is an issue trying to
> run StarOffice 4.?

It's not an issue for running SO.  The utmp/wtmp problem means, that
the format for these databases changed from the old libc5 (the one in
bo) to the libc6 (and the libc5 version of hamm).  That means, if you
update from bo to hamm you'll need to wipeout those files and let them

For more information regarding the changes, look into the libc5->libc6
mini HOWTO.  I found the following location:


in my records, but there should be one somewhere at www.debian.org

For information regarding the database itself consult "man 5 utmp".


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