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sound problems

I'm having problems getting my sound card recognized.  I think it is
because my sound card is pnp and isapnp is loaded after the sound is
initialize (ot attempted to be initialied).  I have a SB/WSS card on my
motherboard, and got the IRQ and IO setting from Win95.  I've read all the
FAQs and howtos, but nothing seems to work.  Can someone tell me things to
try?  The settings for my SB ar IRQ:5, IO:220, DMA:1,5 for WSS are
IO:530,388, IRQ 12, DMA 3.  Since it is PNP though, windows might be
changing  the IRQ values.  Any suggestions?

| ratirh@lore.cs.purdue.edu : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic      1997-98 |
| Homepage: www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/ratirh (Careful it's not completed)   |
| "The past brings pain, the future depression,                           |
|  the present disappointment.  The only thing that remains is the moment.|
|  Live for the moment, and enjoy life.  You only have one chance. "      |

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