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Re: memtest

Gary L. Hennigan wrote:
> Lawrence <ychim@ForeverMail.com> writes:
> | I want to test my 256megs but can't figure out arguments.  Can anyeone
> | tell me the proper command line arguments to run the memtest?
> Oops! Right after I sent that first reply I noticed my error. I used
> bytes instead of bits. That calculation should've been:
> ((256*1024^2)*8)/32 = 67108864
> memtest 67108864 <n>
> where <n> = the number of iterations you want to perform should do the
> trick.
> Sorry for the mistake in the first message.
> Gary

what would happen if I use a number bigger than your, e.g. 67108865 or
even 70000000?


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