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Re: named setup problems

On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 03:28:21PM -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
> Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 10:17:45AM -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
> > > Hack is the word alright. My opinion is that you're attacking this problem the wrong
> > > way though. Now let me make sure I've got it right. When your connection is down
> > > (diald? pon? xisp? ???) programs are trying to make DNS lookups and these programs
> > > hang for a long time waiting for a DNS response which doesn't come back. What names
> > > are they looking up? It stands to reason that unless you're trying to use the internet
> > > you shouldn't need to look up any host which isn't local. There no reason not to have
> > > local hosts in your local bind database, right?
> >
> > Well the thing is... I have worked out how to swicth between
> > "online" and "offline" modes...actually simple...
> > the idea is to have 2 dirs /var/named-online and /var/named-offline
> > then have /var/named a sym link to the proper one.
> > in the same script that changes the sym link issue
> > kill -SIGHUP `cat /var/run/named.pid`
> >
> > My question is on how to setup named so that it is capable of answering the
> > queries of my machines about eachother
> > (ie if kitty wants to resolve shit-box.carpanet to check out the
> > web server)
> You don't *need* two different files. I don't understand why you do. Just go ahead and make
> your named the authoritative name server for carpanet. Forward other requests outside. This
> should work just fine. Why is it you think you need two configurations?

The reason for 2 files is that when the name server knows about the real root 
servers and is not connected to the internet...
it behaves badly. It tries to conect to them and then waits a long time 
before it comes back with an error.
At least that is what I used to observe a while ago...in fact I had a samba
server that would become unacessable to new connections every 10
hours because it was stuck trying to make a name resolution call and
would work almost immediately again as soon as I connected to the net

I want to avoid these situations

** Stephen Carpenter ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** sjc@delphi.com **
"All authority is quite degrading."
-- Oscar Wilde

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