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ISP logon problems

I have two (unrelated) problems logging on to my ISP.

1)  Using pon, I often have to connect 3 to 4 times before I can ping the
outside world, although I can ALWAYS ping my ISP.  Also, I can ALWAYS use nslookup to find addresses for other hosts.  This is extremely annoying.
If I can connect, and I can ping my ISP, and I can nslookup the rest of the
world, why can't I access other hosts?  I have sent email to support@myisp,
but thought I'd check with this group to see if anyone has had this problem.

2)  Diald does not make good connections.  /var/log/diald.log simply states that the connect script failed - no explanations.  plog connects flawlessly
(except for note 1 above).  Can anyone offer hints on what to look for, or ways
to debug the connection process?  I'd really like to be able to use diald.

Thanks a bunch,


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