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Re: Unidentified subject!

On Tue, 7 Jul 1998 ej@pitnet.net wrote:

> Unless explicitly told to do so using xhost, X does not allow anybody
> other than the person who started it to open windows on its desktop,
> not even root.  I could never figure out the proper syntax for xhost,
> however, so I usually end up just using 'xhost +' which disables all
> access control and then 'xhost -' when I'm done.

That's pretty insecure.  I've seen instances where people on our campus
(admittedly,  a large one with relatively insecure systems anyway) have
had other people connect to their X displays because they'd done the  
"xhost +" bit.  Generally more a nuisance than a real security concern,
but still... "xhost + locahost" is only marginally more secure ... with
that one,  just anyone on the x machine can connect ... so on a system
which distributes campus email,  that's a few thousand people here...

Go for "sudo".

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