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Re: jdk-common_1.0.2-7.deb

In article <[🔎] 199806192003.NAA04394@dns1.mcn.org> you wrote:
>  I ran the command 'dpkg -i jdk-common_1.0.2-7.deb' to install
>  the Java libraries on my computer. The program succesfully
>  installed I believe.  When I typed 'java' on the command line
>  I got the message 'bash> java: command not found'.
>  Why doesn't this work?

The current jdk deb is 1.1.5v5-1.  As another poster said, it
sounds like you are running the libc5 Debian distribution.
You'll have lotsa problems trying to get current software to run
with it.  The current distribution is libc6 (hamm) and can be
found at ftp://ftp.debian.org/pub/debian/dists/frozen.

If you move to hamm, you'll find that most of your questions
answer themselves.

Best regards.

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