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Re: 1021 cylinders(?), 8.4GB, and FreeBSD

hamish wrote,

> > Can I change my disk geometry now?  Or will this kill everything?  Or is there 
> > another way to boot FreeBSD?  as near as I can tell, even with the floppy, it 
> > wants it's root partition in the first 1023, even when using the boot 
> > diskette; and in spite of my alleged geometry, it gives a report of "C> 1023 
> > exceeded" or some such.

> I think you definately want LBA. I don't think you can change it after
> the fact, though.

In that case, it probably waits until my boss's machine arrives and I can 
stash my whole disk on his :)

> I have FreeBSD installed starting half way through a 3.2gb disk, and
> the second disk at that (hdb/wd2). It works okay, I've never encountered
> this < 1024 thing with either Linux or FreeBSD. But I don't know much about
> BSD and haven't really had much luck/time with it.

I never had this problem with MacBSD.  I can install FreeBSD, no problem (there's a couple of oddities about sequence, such as happened if you had mildly non-conforming software in debian 1.1, or tried to use images on the hard-disk in 1.3, as well as not starting up the network in time to use ftp sites other than the primary).  And it runs, including X, at the same time.  But then I can't restart without faking an install . . .

There's mostly just a couple of standard utilities that I want to play with BSD versions of, then use to replace the GNU versions used by debian.  Particularly, ftp--there's stuff I used in it, like page, that GNU doesn't have.  (for that matter, every time I've noticed a difference between GNU and BSD stuff, I've strongly preferred BSD).

mount_union also has a lot of allure . . . and netscape's phone-thing is available for bsd, but not linux.  I have speak-freely working, but it doesn't intertalk with macs . . .

on the other hand, freebsd apparently doesn't have drivers for my scsi card, making using my zip a non-issue (fdomain 16xx).

On yet another hand (i'm an economist; i get lots of other hands), I daydream about a debian-derived system that draws primarily from bsd rather than gnu . . .


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