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Re: Help: green smail and hamm

On Tue, Jun 09, 1998 at 05:38:36PM -0700, Roy Pluschke wrote:
>  - local mail sent immediately
>  - if connected have internet mail sent immediately
>  - if offline queue the internet bound mesages and send them
>    when anyone initiates an internet connection.

# smailconfig

Option (1), then "using smarthost", enter the ISP mailserver there.

>  - when an internet connection is made by anyone get any
>    mail from my ISP's pop3 server and sort and deliver the mail
>    locally according to their aliases (each user should only
>    be able to read his own mail, obviously).

Install fetchmail. It will fetch mails from an account. It will only deliver
to one user account on your system for each user account on your ISP (if
every of the four users have their own account at the ISP, this is what you
want). You want to install a /etc/fetchmailrc file and the example files
/usr/doc/fetchmail/fetchmail-up and /usr/doc/fetchmail/fetchmail-down in
/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ resp. /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/. Don't forget to "chmod +x" this
two files, or they won't start.

You can use procmail or mailagent to filter the mail. This would allow to do
any sort of things you want to do with your mail.

A sample /etc/fetchmailrc for only one user is attached.

Files in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ are automagically started when the PPP connection
comes up.

>  - these users use several different mail programs (including
>    netscape) to read their mail, probably not a problem?

This is not related to your mail setup in any way. I'm not sure about
Netscape, though.

> additional questions:
>   to which group should I add a user to allow them to initiate
>   a ppp dialup connection (pon), or failing this what's the safest way
>   to accomplish this.

The group is "dip". Check the group of /usr/sbin/pppd, it's a setuid binary.

>   If a user terminates the ppp connection during the uploading
>   or downloading of mail will it cause problems and if so how
>   can I avoid them.

No. fetchmail is smart enough to *not* flush the mail in question.

> Lastly would like to thank the debian volunteers for their time
> and effort, it is greatly appreciated!!

No probs. Come back with more questions if you have problems.


"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
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Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de                        for public  PGP Key
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# fetchmail control file sample
# This file (or one of your own creation, rather) should be located 
# in your home directory with the name .fetchmailrc.  Permissions on this
# file may be no greater than -rw------- (0600), or fetchmail will refuse to
# use it.

# To see what effect your ~/.fetchmailrc file has, do 
#	fetchmail --version
# This will display the fetchmail version number and an explanation
# in English of what the currently set options and defaults mean.
# Comments begin with a '#' and extend through the end of the line.
# Blank lines between server entries are ignored.
# Keywords and identifiers are case sensitive.
# When there is a conflict between the command-line arguments and the
# arguments in this file, the command-line arguments take precedence.
# Legal keywords are
#   poll                      -- must be followed by a mailserver name
#   skip                      -- must be followed by a mailserver name
#   interval                  -- must be followed by an interval skip count
#   protocol (or proto)       -- must be followed by a protocol ID
#   uidl
#   port                      -- must be followed by a TCP/IP port number
#   authenticate (or auth)    -- must be followed by an authentication type
#   timeout                   -- must be followed by a numeric timeout value
#   envelope                  -- must be followed by an envelope header name
#   aka                       -- must be followed by one or more server aliases
#   localdomains              -- must be followed by one or more domain names
#   interface                 -- must be followed by device/IP address/mask
#   monitor                   -- must be followed by IP address
#   username (or user)        -- must be followed by a name
#   is                        -- must be followed by one or more names
#   folder                    -- must be followed by remote folder names
#   password (or pass)        -- must be followed by a password string
#   smtphost (or smtp)        -- must be followed by host names
#   mda                       -- must be followed by an MDA command string
#   preconnect (or pre)       -- must be followed by an initialization command
#   keep
#   flush
#   fetchall
#   rewrite
#   forcecr
#   stripcr
#   pass8bits
#   dns
#   no keep
#   no flush
#   no fetchall
#   no rewrite
#   no forcecr
#   no stripcr
#   no dns
#   no envelope
#   limit                     -- must be followed by numeric size limit
#   fetchlimit                -- must be followed by numeric msg fetch limit
#   batchlimit                -- must be followed by numeric SMTP batch limit
# Legal protocol identifiers are
#   pop2 (or POP2)
#   pop3 (or POP3)
#   imap (or IMAP)
#   imap-k4 (or IMAP-K4)
#   apop (or APOP)
#   rpop (or RPOP)
#   kpop (or KPOP)
#   etrn (or ETRN)
# Legal authentication types are
#   login
#   kerberos
# Legal global option statements are
#   set logfile =		-- must be followed by a string
#   set daemon			-- must be followed by a number   
#   set syslog
# The noise keywords `and', `with', `has', `wants', and `options' are ignored
# anywhere in an entry; they can be used to make it resemble English.  The
# punctuation characters `,' `:' `;' are also ignored. 
# The run control file format is fully described (with more examples) on the
# fetchmail manual page.
# This is what the developer's .fetchmailrc looks like:

set daemon 300	# Poll at 5-minute intervals

#smtphost localhost

# Use the next for delivery by procmail. Every user needs a .procmailrc for 
# best results.
#mda "/usr/bin/procmail -f-"

#	interface "sl0/"	# SLIRP standard address
#	user harpo fetchmail-friends magic-numbers here
#	fetchall

# Use this for production
# ISP user name: knortz
# local user name: ratzl
poll mailserver.uni-bockum.de protocol POP3:
	user knortz there is ratzl here, fetchall,
	password you_don't_get_my_password_here,_sorry;

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