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Re: Development Kernel - Required progs

Ed Cogburn <ecogburn@greene.xtn.net> writes:
EC> I'm interested in trying the latest kernel 2.1.105, but in the
EC> docs it has a list of required programs that you need to use it.
EC> Of that list, I am missing 4 of them.
EC> The last two, I know I can do without as I'm not using that kind
EC> of hardware, but the first two I'm not sure about.  What packages
EC> (deb or tar) do these utils come in, and where can I find them?

Neither procinfo nor autofs are strictly required.  (procinfo gives a
summary of various system statistics, autofs is a filesystem
automounter.)  procinfo lives in the sysutils package; autofs is in
the autofs package.

EC> Finally, are there any Warnings or FYI's I should know about
EC> before trying this kernel?  I understand that with the 2.1.xx
EC> kernels there is no need for kerneld.  If I'm right, is there a
EC> 'proper' way of disabling kerneld besides hacking
EC> '/etc/init.d/kerneld'?

The version of /etc/init.d/kerneld with the frozen distribution deals
appropriately with kernels that don't need a running kerneld.  It's a
good idea to add a cron entry to unload unneeded modules; see kmod.txt 
in the kernel source for information.  If you're upgrading from 2.0.x
to 2.1.x, watch out for the printer devices; what used to be lp1 is
now lp0, so you'll need to change your printcap file.  The structure
of the sound driver also noticably changed.  That's the major things I 
can think of...

/                             \       "Dad was reading a book called
|          David Maze         |     _Schroedinger's Kittens_.  Asexual
|         dmaze@mit.edu       |  reproduction?  Only one cat is in the box."
| http://donut.mit.edu/dmaze/ |               -- Abra Mitchell

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