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Re: informing a user community

There is currently a #debian and a #linpeople on irc.linpeople.org et.
al.  The problem with what you propose is that it requires people there
to discuss.  International issues and all.  I would much rather see
someone make a site dedicated to helping newbies with well written docs
and then advertising this page in neon flashing lights so the world
knows it is there.  Also, a volunteer effort has started at
support.marko.net to have public tech support for linux issues.  So far
we have answered "how do I set up a winmodem", "how do i setup virtual
server email address", "resizing my ext2 partition" and a few others. 
Everything from the newbie to the complex.  There are currently 100
techs involved.  Also, if you dig through this list's archives just
about everything is answered somewhere.  The problem is finding it.

How can you see, when your mind is not open?
How can you think, when your eyes are closed?
- Jason Bonham Band, "Ordinary Black and White"

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