Re: SCSI..woes..The FIX!
Stephen Carpenter <> writes:
> now...anyone else been using tape drives for backups? any good
> backup systems/scripts to share? :) im open to suggestions (I only
> have 2 tapes but...they are 4 gig (uncompressed) each...and my hard
> drive is only 3.2 gig so.... any suggestions? :)
I use the afbackup package (current version 2.11.5-3 for hamm (*)) and the
corresponding client for regular backup. I tried amanda but had
problems storing the dos partition.
afbackup support easy invocation of incremental and full backup, it
uses the backup set (I use 10 tapes) as a virtual gigantic tape and
will write the backup to the end of the current tape and request a new
Description: Client-Server Backup System (Server side)
This is a client-server backup system offering several workstations a
centralized backup to a special backup server. Backing up only one
computer is easily possible, too. Any streaming device can be used
for writing the data to it, usually this will be a tape
device. Writing backups is normally done sequentially: The next
writing to tape goes to the end of the previous write no matter where
you have restored from in the meantime.
- Authentication of the client is performed before it can take over control
- Access restriction for the streamer device -> security
- Client-side per-file compression -> reliability
- Data stream is written to tape in pieces -> fast finding of files
- Tape position logging for each file
- Tape capacity is fully used
- Full / incremental backups
- Raw partitions can be backuped
- Client and Server buffering for maximal throughput is done
Note: Tk is required if you want to use the graphical configuration
tool instead of the text configuration tool.
If I rebuild the whole machine (e.g., replacement of a hard disc and
repartioning everything) I use tar to make a complete backup.
Fortunatly, the last backup was just 2.6 GB and fitted on my 90m DDS2
tape (with hardware compression).
(*) I suggest not to use a version prior this, as a lot of things have
changed (location of backup infos, file names, manpages). On a BO
system fetch the debian source and compile it by yourself.
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