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Re: Upgrading to hamm

	I was in the same position as you as of yesterday.  I upgraded,
although, i had to use the upgrade script three times (well just to make sure, I
only needed to do it twice) for dependencies.  However, I could not figure out
how to reexecute the script installation after the first time, so I redownloaded
all the files again!  No big deal to me since i have a good inet connect, anyone
know how do resolve this?  (can i just goto /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/base/ and
install all the .debs manually?!?  How can i get the script to auto continue and
do it again without redownloading everything?!?)
	Ok... after that, I rebooted.  I did the /var/wtmp and utmp fix which is
told in the autoup.sh.  (or else who and last do not work... and they really
don't unless you do it. :)  )  Then.. the dreaded hamm upgrade! I advise not
doing this while you are in X (the hamm upgrade).  Use dselect to get the hamm
package, (I had a cd of the packages so I escaped unscathed), ftp dselect failed
for me... but someone told me how to do it.  Try this.

"Use "dists/frozen/main dists/frozen/contrib dists/frozen/non-free".  It
works fine for me." 

This is quoted from Bob who assisted me.  I did not try it, but it should work.
ftp.debian.org has the newest packages btw.  

My grep was broken on the CD, however, the new package fixes it.  My sendmail
broke too after the hamm packages upgrade, I got sendmail.8.8.8-14.deb and had
to install it twice.  (weird eh?)  Then it finally went.  I had to do some funky
things with the sendmail.mf and .cf and what not to get it working... although
it works now.  (heheh i should get the crab book....).  Aside from that, not too
painful, but reconfiguring afterstep 1.4 took a bit of time. Generally took 8
hours for me to fully reconfigure and feel happy about the system again.  (it
takes me a while for these things).

Hope this helps.  (no unstablility yet...)

Carroll Kong

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Chris wrote:

> Hi,
> I am currently running a debian bo system, and I am considering upgrading
> (or more to the point - re-installing) to a hamm system.
> I am, however, conserned about stablility...
> Does anyone know of any major problems with a hamm system?
> Chris

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