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Re: [OFF TOPIC] Linus Torvalds, the man of the century

Þann 12-Apr-98 skrifar Manoj Srivastava:
>       Frankly, most of us have sense enough not to tell people how
>  their vbotes are wrong. It is one thing to campaign for a candidate,
>  and urge and suggest where to cast ones vote, and it is quite another
>  to say your votes are silly and must be cast in another fashin.
  What on earth do you think, that all the political campaigns are
all about? And does the ideology of political party's escape the immense
density of your brain...

  People all around you, are telling you whom to vote.  Because voting is
not about the person on the ballad, but the cause the person stands for,
or DOESN'T stand for. And everywhere around you, people are trying to tell you
how to vote.  They're trying to *show* you the truth about the new world order,
or the reason why a new world order is needed, to sublimically tell you *HOW* to
vote.  By trying to get you to belive that THEY are YOUR PEOPlE IN THE SENATE.

  And... more to the point, when people are in the opposition, not to mention
when they are spread around in small oposition groups.  They often get
together to compare notes, and *ask* their political members *not* to
vote in a certain way... or to vote in another way, for the purpose of
their political gain, or others loss.  Depending on their "winning" or
losing position.

  All over the world, people are _being_told_ how to vote.

Orn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@oehansen.pp.se
                                        voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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