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Re: kernel-headers-2.0.32 vs. kernel-headers-2.0.33

On 13 Apr 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> George> YES they SHOULD!  If the /usr/include symlinks are pointed to
> George> /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.0.29 and you install
> George> kernel-source-2.0.32 you MUST change those symlinks to point
> George> to /usr/src/linux-2.0.32/include/...
> 	Please stop spreading misinformation about subjects you know
>  little about. 

Hmmm, having just come back to compiling a substantial number of kernels
from living mostly in user space for a year and a half, I was unaware that
debian had gone to providing the headers separately.  The fact remains,
though, that I really wanted v2.1 headers when I installed v2.1 kernel
sources. I have only run into one program that I have had to recompile
with the v2.1 headers (inetd) but I suspect there would be many
more if I had an SMP system. From the document below, I can see the
reasoning. I had not read it and was going according to the instructions
in the 2.1.x sources when I installed them.

Please see my comment and question after this quoting of the most relavant
text (in my opinion).

>  	Kernel headers no longer make sense exporting to user space
>  (in early days of Linux, that was not true). It is beginning to get
>  harder to synchronize the libc and the kernel headers as in the old
>  days; now linking with the latest kernel headers may subtly break new
>  code since the headers linked with are different from the compiled
>  library. In addition, the specter of programs breaking with new
>  kernel headers was preventing needed new features from being added to
>  the kernel (and damping innovative experimentation in kernel
>  development) (see appendix A for details).
>   	Besides, the kernel itself no longer needs /usr/include/linux/* 
>   at all, so keeping the libc and kernel headers the same aren't
>   needed for kernel development.


> 	The current solution is a variant of the original, bad,
>  symlink solution. The variation is that we link to header files from
>  a specific kernel version, namely 2.0.32, which are the headers that
>  libc was compiled with. Whereas we used to link to any old kernel in
>  the original libc5 symlink, the new libc6 symlink is to
>  /usr/src/kernel-header-2.0.32, which holds headers from a *static,
>  well known*, *supported*, tested kernel version, and we let the
>  kernel-headers package handle architecture dependencies (which it had
>  to anyway).


> 	 So, libc6-dev depends can now provide 2.0.32 kernel headers
>  *for all architectures*, with no messy architecture dependent
>  patches, we always have fixed, static, known good headers in
>  /usr/include/{linux,asm}, and this is goodness.
>         This is a working technical solution to having libc
>  development package contain/depend on a well known static set of
>  kernel headers (insulating the vast majority of programs that are not
>  closely tied to kernel version specific internal data structures),
>  while allowing the kernel headers to vary from architecture to
>  architecture, and still allowing device driver authors from having
>  any set of kernel headers they want on the machine through the simple
>  artifice of adding a -I flag to the compilation flags.

> Linus> Just to give you some idea of exactly why the includes really
> Linus> can't be handled by simple symlinks: the main problem is
> Linus> version skew. Lots of people want to upgrade their library
> Linus> without affecting the kernel, and probably even more people
> Linus> want to be able to upgrade their kernel without affecting their
> Linus> compilation environment. Right now doing that has been
> Linus> extremely fragile.
> Linus> Just to give _one_ example of why the symlinks are bad: NR_OPEN
> Linus> and "fd_set". I have had no end of problems making NR_OPEN
> Linus> larger in the kernel, exactly _because_ of the damn
> Linus> sym-links. If I just make NR_OPEN larger (the right thing to
> Linus> do), the problem is that people with old libraries will now
> Linus> compile against a header file that doesn't match the library
> Linus> any more. And when the library internally uses another  NR_OPEN
> Linus> than the new program does, "interesting" things happen.


Ok fine, so what do I do to get a system done correctly running 2.1.X?

It looks like I, at first, point the symlinks to the kernel source
provided headers. Compile glibc. Create a kernel_headers package. Then use
that kernel_headers until both of the following conditions are met:

1) I see substantial changes in the kernel include files.
2) The kernal becomes relatively stable and I have stopped seeing changes
   to the kernel includes in the patches.

Then I build another glibc and kernel_headers?

Ok, I can probably live with that. Am I correct in my understanding that
this is the way Debian is doing it? That you use a stable version of
headers over many versions and only change headers used to compile user
programs possibly when you release new glibc versions?

George Bonser

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