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Re: Desktop: colours and fvwm

Tristan Day <GreenSideburns@csi.com> writes:
Tristan> fvwm95 won't work. It says it's installed but nothing happens
Tristan> and ovwm comes up instead. If I uninstalled ovwm would fvwm95
Tristan> take its place? I've installed fvwm95, fvwm-common and fvwm2.

Look at /etc/X11/window-managers.  Uninstalling ovwm should make some
other window manager come up as the default (though this might be
fvwm2 instead of fvwm95).

/                             \  "The cat's been in the box for over
|          David Maze         |  20 years.  Nobody's feeding it.  The
|         dmaze@mit.edu       |            cat is dead."
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