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Re: Emacs

C J LAWSON <C.J.Lawson@Cranfield.ac.uk> writes:
C> I say a chap the other day using emacs and he had the screen all
C> coloured up when he was editing some Fortran file or the
C> other. Does anyone know how this is done (Don't seem to be able to
C> find this out from the man pages)

In traditional GNU style, the Emacs man page is pretty useless.  You
can get better (and arguably too much) information from the GNU Info
manual; press C-h i from within Emacs.

Now, syntax highlighting in Emacs is accomplished via the font-lock
minor mode.  XEmacs sets font-lock-mode automatically on every buffer
that is eligible for it; you need to either do this by hand or run
global-font-lock-mode for GNU Emacs.  My .emacs file has:

;; Set up some stuff for font-lock-mode
(require 'font-lock)
;; XEmacs will run font-lock-mode on its own.
(if (not (boundp 'font-lock-auto-fontify))
    (if (fboundp 'global-font-lock-mode)
	(global-font-lock-mode t)
      (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)))

;; Newer versions of Emacs (GNU 19.33 or newer, XEmacs ?) have more
;; variables to play with to control font-lock-mode
(if (boundp 'font-lock-maximum-decoration)
    (setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t
	  font-lock-support-mode 'lazy-lock-mode))

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|         dmaze@mit.edu       |            cat is dead."
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