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Re: Multi-tasking


>    Is there a way I can multi-task in debian?  Like with Win95, you can
>open two programs and switch between them.  I compare files, and it would
>make my life easier if I could switch between two files, rather then
>editing it, looking at a section, quiting, then editing and comparing it
>with the other.  I use pico when I edit the files.

I assume a million ppl have already replied to this to suggest the ALT-F1
ALT-F2 sort of thing, but something that I find I use heaps is a program
called Screen, which is especially useful when you are telneting to a Linux
box.  You can open multiple windows and switch between them with CTL-C n
(where n is your virtual screen) - at least, I think it's CTL-C...

It's easy to use, well documented, packaged for debian, and is a bit less
of a stretch on the fingers than ALT-Fn


Damon Muller (damon@lenore.empire.net.au)
Web Page:   www.sub.net.au/~tr      It's not a sense of humor. It's
ICQ UIN:    2920281                 a sense of irony disguised as one.
PGP Key ID: 0x232C09E1                   - Bruce Sterling

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