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Re: fetchmail and ssh

This is what I put in my .fetchmailrc

  poll picton.eecg.utoronto.ca protocol pop3 via localhost port 8110 
  username bach password krakthis
  preconnect "ssh -f -L 8110:picton.eecg.utoronto.ca:110 picton.eecg.utoronto.ca sleep 20 </dev/null >/dev/null"

So the following might work for you:

poll mail.alantro.com proto pop3 via localhost port 2110
  preconnect "ssh -f -L 2110:mail.alantro.com:110 mail.alantro.com sleep 20 </dev/null >/dev/null"
  user lee, with password password, is lee here

A similar example is given in the fetchmail man page (just search for "ssh").
(I'm using the fetchmail 4.3.9-1 package that comes with hamm)

The /dev/null stuff seems to be important; I couldn't get the ssh+fetchmail
combination to work when I removed the /dev/null I/O redirection.

The "sleep 20" is also important. Basically ssh connects to your mail
server and maps port 2110 on your machine to port 110 on the mail
server, then quits after 20 seconds or after all forwarded connections
are terminated.

Tell me how it goes.

> Here is part of my .fetchmailrc for my closest attempt:
> poll mail.alantro.com proto pop3
>   port 2110
>   preconnect "ssh -L 2110: mail.alantro.com"
>   user lee, with password password, is lee here
>   fetchall
> When I run "fetchmail mail.alantro.com" it opens a shell on
> mail.alantro.com.  When I exit the shell, it seems to stall until I hit
> Ctrl-C.

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