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fetchmail and ssh


I've been using fetchmail and ssh for a while on a debian bo system, but
now I'd like to get them to work together.  I'm not having any success.
Here is part of my .fetchmailrc for my closest attempt:

poll mail.alantro.com proto pop3
  port 2110
  preconnect "ssh -L 2110: mail.alantro.com"
  user lee, with password password, is lee here

When I run "fetchmail mail.alantro.com" it opens a shell on
mail.alantro.com.  When I exit the shell, it seems to stall until I hit

Is this a reasonable way to use the port and preconnect commands?  This
is my first experience with the -L command, so I'm not sure I'm using it
properly.  Well, I know I'm not using something properly :^)

I haven't been able to find an example.  Just offhand references in the
man pages and /usr/doc that ssh now supports pop and the preconnect
command is to be used with ssh.

Thanks for any help.

Lee Bradshaw                 lee@sectionIV.com (preferred)
Alantro Communications       lee@alantro.com

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