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Re: Debian & PGP 5.5.3, importing keys question

At 12:16 -0500 1998-03-26, David S. Jackson wrote:
>Personally, I would recommend using one of the PGP 2.6.X variants
>with RSA keys.  Since PGP has gone commercial, I've heard of several
>inconsistencies and incompatabilities with 5.X keys.

Yes, but that has very little to do with PGP going commercial. It mostly
has to do with the RSA patent, and flaws in the old PGP key format (mostly
to do with keyid and fingerprint collision).

Joel "Espy" Klecker    <mailto:jk@espy.org>    <http://web.espy.org/>
Debian GNU/Linux Developer...................<http://www.debian.org/>

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