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Hamm CD images available

To facilitate testing of Debian 2.0 I've set my ftp site to make CD
images every night at 9 p.m. EST; the image can be downloaded as
something like:


This is a T1 to Merit, who peers with MCI and others in Chicago.

Please let me know of problems on the usual channel at irc.debian.org,
so we can get bugs fixed quicky.

These completely unofficial images are made with hacked debian-cd
source combined with custom scripts to get around the symlink-to-bo
problem (they basically take the brute-force approach, making a second
copy of the site).  The image is unavailable during the 45-minute
build period.

I'm tweaking this script at the moment because main + contrib is just
slightly too large to actually burn to CD.  Something has to go, and
it isn't main....  ;-)

There are conflicting reports from last week on whether the resulting
CD is bootable or not, so your mileage may vary.  Actual pre-burned
gold CDs will be available again once I get my new 4x Yamaha

---------------------  PGP  E4 70 6E 59 80 6A F5 78  63 32 BC FB 7A 08 53 4C
   __ _    Debian GNU         Johnie Ingram <johnie@netgod.net>      mm   mm
  / /(_)_ __  _   ___  __        "netgod"     irc.debian.org          mm mm
 / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /                                             m m m
/ /__| | | | | |_| |>  <      Those who do not understand UNIX       mm   mm
\____/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\     are doomed to repeat it, poorly.       GO BLUE

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