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Re: mgetty voice/fax/data

Well, I don't do anything like this yet (my modem isn't fancy enough), 
but here's how I read the mgetty info pages:

Paul Miller <paul@3dillusion.com> writes:

> For caller id, what format does mgetty expect it to be in?  My modem
> supports 'readable format' (#CID=1) and 'ascii printable characters in
> hex' (#CID=2).  Also, how do I tell mgetty to use caller id and look at
> the dialin.config file?

Looking at the mgetty info pages, I'd guess that the readable format
is your best bet; mgetty will use caller ID automatically if your
modem supports it and if there's anything in the /etc/dialin.config
file.  Also, the docs warn that you need to have mgetty connect only
after the second ring, as that's when caller ID information is often
sent.  (I think this might be modem-specific)

> Finally, how can I monitor what mgetty is doing?  I want smbclient to send
> a message with the caller id strings to another machine when a voice call
> is detected. 

Monitor the mgetty logs (/var/log/mgetty/mg_ttyxx) - another option is 
to figure out what mgetty sends to syslog, and set up a fifo to catch
that.  For example, adding:
*.*	|/etc/mgetty/syslog.fifo
to /etc/syslog.conf, then doing
mkfifo /etc/mgetty/syslog.fifo
and then having some program read lines out of /etc/mgetty/syslog.fifo 
will allow that program to see anything that gets logged (by any
program) to the syslog.  You'll probably want to narrow down the *.*
to what you actually need once you figure out what class and severity
of the relevant mgetty messages are.

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