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Re: two keyboards, two monitors, two users, one processor?

Jameson Burt <jameson@mnsinc.com> writes:

> I seek to use one computer with two full X-windows users.
> This would be a cheap in time/money approach for my wife and I simultaneously 
> using Linux.

It might be worthwhile finding a cheap 386 or 486 with a good graphics
card.  Install a minimum of programs on it, just the X server.  If you
run xfs on your main computer, you won't even need the fonts.  You
could do this with even a 200 MB hard disk, I think.

You *will* need 2 network cards for this, but setting up two computers 
on a network under Linux is easier than some single-computer stuff.  X 
is probably too slow over serial.

(Just another option.)

It is easy to plug in two mice, dodgy to plug in two monitors, but
pretty much impossible to plug in two keyboards at the moment, IMO.

	 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

	  GNU GPL: "The Source will be with you... always."

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