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Re: a problem with headers (Was: in search for Mr. Scheetz)

mfrattola@mail.enjoy.it hat gesagt: // mfrattola@mail.enjoy.it wrote:
> I'm using elm+sendmail+popclient to send/receive my mail. On my outbound mail, I
> use elm to properly rewrite the header with my POPaccount address. It used to
> work, but Mr. Scheetz's ISP does (or at least this is what I have understood) 
> some checks on mail headers to reject spam.
> My mail messages seems to originate from my machine, which is not permanently
> on internet and has no valid DNS name. Since this name doesn't resolve, my
> messages can't reach Mr. Scheetz directly since they're taken as spam (coming
> from a fake address).
> Once upon a time I used to masquerade (in sendmail) my local machine name with
> my ISP name. This was the only way known to me at that time to make the return
> address come out right. When I discovered (thanks to this list again) the elm
> header rewriting function, I stopped masquerading. I tried to revert to this
> solution, but it doesn't seems to work (take a look at my header) now.
> Now my questions are:
> 1. how can I make my messages reach Mr. Scheetz (and everybody who has spam
>    address check)?
> 2. is there a way (preferably with sendmail, but I'm evaluating all suggestions)
>    to masquerade only outbound messages (I have a small LAN and masquerading
>    makes mail stop working on my LAN)

You too might try the genericstable-feature of sendmail.

Just put this

8<-------------- snip ---------------------------------->8
## Custom configurations below (will be preserved)
8<-------------- snip --------------------------------->8

at the end of your /etc/mail/sendmail.mc and create a file
/etc/genericstable with user/mailname pairs inside like this

8<------ /etc/genericstable ----------------------->8
your_Username_At_Home   your_ISP_mailname@Your_ISP.com

Rerun sendmailconfig.

This should work as long as the domainname of your ISP isn't know
for spamming and all mail coming from there is rejected by Mr. Scheetz.

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