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a problem with headers (Was: in search for Mr. Scheetz)

first of all I want to thank all those who helped me in my desperate search
for Mr. Scheetz. 
Now here's the problem that made impossible for me to reach Mr. Scheetz directly
I'm using elm+sendmail+popclient to send/receive my mail. On my outbound mail, I
use elm to properly rewrite the header with my POPaccount address. It used to
work, but Mr. Scheetz's ISP does (or at least this is what I have understood) 
some checks on mail headers to reject spam.
My mail messages seems to originate from my machine, which is not permanently
on internet and has no valid DNS name. Since this name doesn't resolve, my
messages can't reach Mr. Scheetz directly since they're taken as spam (coming
from a fake address).
Once upon a time I used to masquerade (in sendmail) my local machine name with
my ISP name. This was the only way known to me at that time to make the return
address come out right. When I discovered (thanks to this list again) the elm
header rewriting function, I stopped masquerading. I tried to revert to this
solution, but it doesn't seems to work (take a look at my header) now.

Now my questions are:
1. how can I make my messages reach Mr. Scheetz (and everybody who has spam
   address check)?
2. is there a way (preferably with sendmail, but I'm evaluating all suggestions)
   to masquerade only outbound messages (I have a small LAN and masquerading
   makes mail stop working on my LAN)

I'm not attaching any config file (pollution-wise), but I'm ready to send
whatever could help sort this out.
||    || |||||||  Marco Frattola                     Microsoft is not the answer
||`..'|| |||...   Piacenza, Italy                    Microsoft is the question
|||  ||| |||''    mfrattola@mail.enjoy.it            "No" is the answer
|||  ||| |||      www.enjoy.it/users/~mk/index.html  Live Linux, live free!

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