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FTP Killing PPP Connection

Using Kernal: 2.0.32

I'm having some strange results when I use the default FTP software. It
goes for a while and eventually kills my PPP connection. I don't make it
to a meg of a download before the system redials. This also happens when
remote users access ftpd and transfer files. But not as badly or as often.
The strange thing is... ncftp does NOT do this. I have never had a redial
while using it. Anyone else run into this? Could it be a network setting
that needs to be adjusted? Because I can't nail this down to a specific
cause... RTFM hasn't been too successful ;) The connection is a standard
33.6 USR Sportster. I run a low usage Apache server, sendmail (20 users
max) and 21 Eggdrop bots. I first thought I was taxing my bandwidth.
however, lag is not a problem... everything else functions great, and if
it was a bandwidth problem... ncftp would have the same problem.

Thanks in advance for any input you guys can offer.


E-Mail: azcappy@psychobabble.dyn.ml.org      ~\_O_                   _O_/~
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