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Re: faster telnet while ftp'ing?

This actually is almost possible with 2.1.x kernels, which have a special
network device called the "traffic shaper", that slows down traffic going
out over it:

Traffic Shaper (EXPERIMENTAL)
  The traffic shaper is a virtual network device that allows you to
  limit the rate of outgoing data flow over another network
  device. See Documentation/networking/shaper.txt for more
  information.  To set up and configure shaper devices, you need the
  shapecfg program, available via ftp (user: anonymous) from
  shadow.cabi.net/pub/Linux in the shaper package.  This driver is
  also available as a module ( = code which can be inserted in and
  removed from the running kernel whenever you want). The module will
  be called shaper.o. If you want to compile it as a module, say M
  here and read Documentation/modules.txt. If unsure, say N.

So how this would work is you would have a special network interface that
you could set up routes to. If you wanted all traffic from a certian ftp
site to be slowed down, you would set up a route to that ftp site that goes
through the traffic shaper.

Only problem is, this only works for outgoing traffic, not incoming.

see shy jo

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