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Re: faster telnet while ftp'ing?

Jim Foltz <aa204@acorn.net> writes:

> Hello,
> 	I would like to sorta hold back, or balance out, an ftp connection
> so I can telnet to my ISP account while downloading. Right now, telnet is
> too slow to use at the same time while ftp'ing. I hope you understand what
> I am trying to say here. I am operating a USR Sportser 33.6 internal modem
> over a PPP connection to my ISP.

I understand the problem, and have often wished that I could do
something like that myself.  However, this would require cooperation
on both sides of the ppp connection - what slows down your machine is
the amount of _incoming_ data, and I don't think that there's anything
you can do about it - you have to take it as long as the remote ppp
machine is feeding it to you.  The only thing that I can even imagine
working is having pppd readjust the MRU/MTU values on a connection,
  1) I don't know if it's possible to send requests like this to pppd
  2) I can't predict how the other end would react - they might close
     the connection or change the IP address, which would foul up any 
     open tcp connections (like your ftp download).

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