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Monitor not working with S3 XServer

I am a newbie with Linux, but have sofar been able to get a machine up and
running without too many major problems :).
The problem I have not been able to solve is that I cannot get my monitor to
work with the S3 Server :(

I have no problems using XF86_VGA16 at 800x600 or lower (4bit colour) except
that Netscape crashes with a bus error, or the SVGA Server at the default
320x200 (6bit colour) which is not very useable.

Whenever I try using the S3 server at 640x480, the screen is unreadable and
the Server log does not indicate any faults. At 800x600, the Server stops
due to insufficient memory (512K). Can anybody help me to get the S3 Server
to drive the monitor correctly, or is it all due to a lack of memory? >1MB.

The harware is:
Digital DECPc 433DxLP, 12MB Ram
S3 86C924, RAMDAC AT&T20C491 512KB, built into Mother Board.

The Monitor is a Phillips type 4CM6089/75T (17 in)

Software Debian V1.3.1
XF86_S3 V3.3 June 2 1997

This monitor ran quite happily at 800x600 using the Digital S3 drivers for
windows when DOS was previously installed on this machine.

Thanks in advance

Roger Ward

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