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Man does not display tables

I installed Debian 1.3.1 from the Official CD. I installed the packages
that dselect suggests.

I found that the man program don't understand some tags. For example in
the /usr/man/man4/console_codes.4.gz file I see the following that is
supposed to be a table:

.SS "ESC- but not CSI-sequences"
l l l.
ESC c   RIS     Reset.
ESC D   IND     Linefeed.
ESC E   NEL     Newline.
ESC H   HTS     Set tab stop at current column.

But when I run "man console_codes" I get the following output:

   ESC- but not CSI-sequences
       l l l.  ESC  c     RIS  Reset.   ESC  D     IND  Linefeed.
       ESC  E    NEL  Newline.   ESC  H     HTS  Set  tab stop at
       current column.   ESC  M     RI   Reverse  linefeed.   ESC
       Z     DECID     DEC  private  identification.  The  kernel

Should I install something to have the man program to understand the .TS

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

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