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Re: about the FAQ and /etc/init.d

> > Would the IP-Masq rules be best started from /etc/ppp/ip-up ?
> I use a script in /etc/rc.boot which is run automatically on boot.
> I guess ip-up would do, but I think it's better to set all that sort of
> stuff up on boot up.
> I think there is a default "setserial" one that you could look at... even
> though there is not much to look at :) (am I right to say it is a 
> default?)

I ended up creating a script in /etc/init.d which implements the IPMasq
rules fine at startup.  I think what led to this was that most of the
references I've seen to startup scripts were about /etc/rc.local on other
distributions and the Deb FAQ equates rc.local questions with /etc/init.d

It did seem like overkill though as I hadn't even thought about placing a
script in /etc/rc.boot

One interesting point was the update-rc.d command line I used which was

    update-rc.d jmasq defaults 19

Using "defaults" was supposed to add symlinks for runlevels 2 to 5 but the
output of the command was the following which seems to indicate that it
did more than that. I assume that each of the following directories is
for a specific runlevel:

 Adding system startup links pointing to /etc/init.d/jmasq ...
   rc2.d/S19jmasq -> ../init.d/jmasq
   rc3.d/S19jmasq -> ../init.d/jmasq
   rc4.d/S19jmasq -> ../init.d/jmasq
   rc5.d/S19jmasq -> ../init.d/jmasq
   rc0.d/K19jmasq -> ../init.d/jmasq
   rc1.d/K19jmasq -> ../init.d/jmasq
   rc6.d/K19jmasq -> ../init.d/jmasq

John Spence <jspence@lynx.net.au>  http://www.lynx.net.au/~jspence

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