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Re[2]: Bullshit-->Fired for Linux?

Keith Beattie <ksb@best.com> wrote:

> Well, if Linux is ever going to establish itself as more than a
> "hobbie OS", it (the Linux community and the free software community
> in general) needs to be able to gracefully withstand a lot more heat
> than that article dishes out.

In particular the myth that a "single source of support" is a _good_ thing
needs to be dispelled. More often than not this means being shackled to one
vendor, and possibly left out in the cold completely if and when that vendor
goes under.

Also, "heat" is one thing, but disinformation is another. The author of this
article proved himself woefully ignorant on several scores: he only mentioned
the RedHat and Caldera distributions, and implied that one had to spend $50 to
get "good" Linux. He also seems completely unaware that tech support for Linux
can be purchased, if a company feels the need for that sort of thing.

Finally I would submit that it has long since been the case that Linux is
*not* a "hobbie OS," used only geeks and X-Files fans. There is a _tremendous_
amount of commercial c/c++ development going on right now with Linux as the
platform of choice.

Bob Bernstein                 bernie@brainiac.com
Esmond, R.I.       http://www.brainiac.com/bernie

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