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help with SB AWE 64 !


I failed to configure my AWE64 sound card.
By following all the instructions in the min-HOWTO I come up with very
predictable result - system hangs solid on my attempt to insert sound

I installed the latest OSS-Free driver, patched with AWE extentions,
compiled the kernel (2.0.33), run pnpdump (ver 1.9), it failed to detect
all three chanels of the wavetable- I inserted them manually, all data was
availble from the card manual. I also had to put (WAITFORKEY) in there.
isapnp runs OK, module lock my computer solid.

I am running out of ideas. Please help...

Alex Y.

 _( )_
(     (o___           +-------------------------------------------+
 |      _ 7           |            Alexander Yukhimets            |
  \    (")            |       http://pages.nyu.edu/~aqy6633/      |
  /     \ \           +-------------------------------------------+

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