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fetchmail 4.3.6 vs. m$ exchange

I am trying to run fetchmail in imap mode with a m$ exchange server.

With fetchmail  4.3.6-1, I get:

fetchmail: IMAP< a0006 OK FETCH completed.
fetchmail: IMAP> a0007 FETCH 1 RFC822.TEXT.PEEK
fetchmail: IMAP< a0007 BAD Protocol Error: "Invalid FETCH_ITEM in FETCH
fetchmail: IMAP> a0008 LOGOUT
fetchmail: IMAP< * BYE Microsoft Exchange IMAP4rev1 server version
5.5.1960.6 signing off
fetchmail: IMAP< a0008 OK LOGOUT completed.
fetchmail: client/server synchronization error while fetching from nt_xchg
fetchmail: SMTP> QUIT

At this point, fetchmail 4.3.6 hangs and has to be killed; it does not
retrieve the mail.

Downgrading back to fetchmail 4.3.5-1, it works just fine:

fetchmail: IMAP< a0006 OK FETCH completed.
fetchmail: IMAP> a0007 FETCH 1 BODY.PEEK[TEXT]
fetchmail: IMAP< * 1 FETCH (BODY[TEXT] {321}
 (321 body bytes) ********
fetchmail: IMAP< )
fetchmail: IMAP< a0007 OK FETCH completed.
fetchmail: message 1 was not the expected length (1112 != 560)
fetchmail: SMTP>. (EOM)
fetchmail: SMTP< 250 Mail accepted
fetchmail: IMAP> a0008 STORE 1 +FLAGS (\Deleted)
fetchmail: IMAP< * 1 FETCH (FLAGS (\Deleted))
fetchmail: IMAP< a0008 OK STORE completed.
fetchmail: IMAP> a0009 EXPUNGE
fetchmail: IMAP< * 1 EXPUNGE
fetchmail: IMAP< * 0 EXISTS
fetchmail: IMAP< a0009 OK EXPUNGE completed.
fetchmail: selecting or re-polling default folder
fetchmail: IMAP> a0010 NOOP
fetchmail: IMAP< a0010 OK NOOP completed.
fetchmail: IMAP> a0011 LOGOUT
fetchmail: IMAP< * BYE Microsoft Exchange IMAP4rev1 server version
5.5.1960.6 signing off
fetchmail: IMAP< a0011 OK LOGOUT completed.
fetchmail: SMTP> QUIT
fetchmail: SMTP< 221 shiloh closing connection
fetchmail: normal termination, status 0

Does anybody know if this a bug, or am I doing something wrong, like
failing to bow toward Redmond? 

dwiebold@etnsed.aus.etn.com . . . . . . .  My other computer runs Linux!

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