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Re: Commands

Matt Thompson <mattyt@oz.net> writes:

> Hi, y'all,
> Ok, I've been poring over the HOWTO's and man-pages and can't find two
> little commands THAT I USED TO KNOW! :)
> A friend told me about these a while back and now I can't remember or find
> them.  One is the command executed by root on a kernel to make it look at
> a certain partition, allowing it to be used as a boot-floppy image.


>                                                                      The
> other is the command that I use as mattyt so that, as root, I can run make
> xconfig.  It allows root (or any other user, I suppose) access to the
> X-server, when you're not logged in to XDM as that user.

The command you're looking for is 'xhost +localhost' but as I'm
certain many people will point out DON'T USE IT.  It's just a bad
habit to get into.  (Depending where you learned this command, you may
even be thinking of 'xhost +', which is a supremely bad idea on a
machine with any kind of net connection). A (much) better way to do
what you want is to either use ssh (there was a wonderful command line
posted a few weeks ago that showed ssh to root in an xterm), or use
xauth as follows: (in an xterm being run by your regular user, when
you logged in via xdm as your regular user)

cush:~$ su -c "xauth add `xauth list $DISPLAY`"
cush:~$ su

root can now do as much X stuff as root wants.

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