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Network config -- slip + null modem

     I am trying, so far unsuccessfully, to connect two linux boxes
with a null modem cable and slip, following the directions in the

     One machine, bobspc, is a Micron Pentium-166 that is my primary
computer, while the other, zeos, is an old 486DX-33 with a new no-name
motherboard.  Bobspc has internet access through a dialup ppp
connection.  Zeos has no network connection presently, and I want to
connect the two machines in order to use zeos as a backup for bobspc.

     Both machines are running bo (1.3.1r6), and a 2.0.32 kernel and
bash version 2.00.0(1)-release.

     Following are the relevant configuration files:

/etc/hosts - bobspc		localhost		bobspc		bobspc.estar.net             zeos            zeos.estar.net

/etc/hosts - zeos		localhost		zeos		zeos.estar.net		bobspc		bobspc.estar.net

     I created a file /etc/init.d/local_net with the following:  

/sbin/slattach -p cslip -s 19200 /dev/ttyS0 &
/sbin/ifconfig sl0 pointopoint up

     This file is run from /etc/init.d/boot after
/etc/rc.boot/0setserial is run.

     During bootup the following messages are displayed:

SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
SIOCSIFDSTADDR: No such device

     ifconfig sl0 gives no response, and ps -ax doesn't show an
slattach process.  

     Running /etc/init.d/local_net a second time (after booting is
complete) gives the same messages; ifconfig sl0 still gives no response,
but ps -ax now includes the line:

 201   1 S      0:00 /sbin/slattach -p cslip -s 19200 /dev/ttyS0

     Trying to telnet from one machine to the other gives the
following results:

root:vc-1:~>telnet zeos
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Network is unreachable

     A ping command gives similar results.       
     What am I missing?


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