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Re: Netscape releasing source code for 5.0

Sudhakar Chandrasekharan <thaths@netscape.com> writes:

| I am curious to find out what folks in the Debian community think of
| this.
| 1. What are the changes that you would make to the source code to make
| the browser better?
| 2. What features would you add to the browser?

I don't currently need any _new_ features. If only the Linux
version were as usable as the NT version, that would be enough
for me. At least for now :)

Here are some problems that really bother me:

* The bookmark editor is noticeably slower in Linux version.
* The bookmark editor in Linux isn't functionally similar to the
  NT version. Particularly, "browsing" the bookmark list with
  keyboard is practically impossible in Linux version because
  arrow {up,down} doesn't just move the current position but the
  bookmark under the current position too.
  The difference is big enough for me to boot to NT when I need
  to sort new bookmarks.
* Linux version is a lot slower in some operations when compared
  to the NT version. Particularly, opening a new window takes
  quite a long time. During this operation also downloads in
  other windows temporarlily stop. That is, it would seem that
  the Linux version isn't very asynchronous. This is a bad bad
  thing. Using POSIX threads might be a good idea perhaps?

A related problem, which isn't actually Netscape's problem but
XFree's problem, is that there's no font antialiasing. Netscape
doesn't look that good in Linux as it does in NT. This is the
problem with other applications too, of course, not just


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