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Re[2]: configuring return address on outgoing mail

robert havoc pennington <rhpennin@midway.uchicago.edu> wrote:

> A local expert tells me that bounced mail doesn't go to the From: address
> but to some other thing set by the MTA. I've tried sending mail to bad
> addresses and I get nothing back. So something's wrong.

Perhaps you need to set visible_name to pobox.com, assuming that's the dialup
ISP you're using. My understanding, for what it's worth, is that smail will
default to your machine's name in lieu of a visible_name value.

Check the archives of this list for this month and last month. There's been a
tremendous amount of discussion of all this stuff.

Best regards,

Bob Bernstein                 <bernie@brainiac.com>
Esmond, R.I.       <http://www.brainiac.com/bernie>

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