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problem w/sound


I have had a lot questions today and I'd like to thank everyone for their
help!  I have one more question though.

I just compiled 2.0.32 on a new machine and it has a SoundBlaster 16
PNP(arggh..) and I noticed that the new lernel offered new options for
including the SB16 PNP.  I compiled fine and my sound card works but only
for CD's.  I am trying to get it to play mp3's through Sajberplay but it
won't work.  The player starts and I hear a *click* from the speakers but
no sound.  I have changed the permissions on /dev/audio, /dev/dsp, and
/dev/mixer to 666 but still nothing.  Am I missing a symbolic link or
something?  Oh yeah, I have also tried 'cat ch > /dev/audio' (where ch is
a text file) to see if i get a static response but nothing happens and I
get an error that says, "Error opening device, device/resource busy."  I
then ran 'ps ax' to see if I had something running but I don't.

If someone can lend some insight I'd really appreciate it!


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