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unable to insmod irqtune_mod

I have just compiled and installed kernel 2.0.33 on my debian 1.3.1/hamm
hybrid system.
I have recompiled irqtune 0.6 for my kernel.
but when I type 
insmod ./irqtune_mod.o

I get the following error:
./irqtune_mod.o: kernel-module version mismatch
        ./irqtune_mod.o was compiled for kernel version 1.0.0
        while this kernel is version 2.0.33.

and irqtune_mod.o is not loaded.
Any ideas why.

NAME   Oz Dror, Los Angeles, California   
EMAIL  dror@MCIone.com                     <<Linux  since 8/15/94>>
PHONE  Fax (310) 474-3126



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