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Re: configuring ftpd for anonymous access

On Sun, 11 Jan 1998 bn711@freenet.carleton.ca wrote:

> What I get is - I can ftp to the box from itself or over the network
> and log in as anonymous.  Then I can put files to the directory and
> they get transferred all right, and I can get files if I know their
> names... but, of course, as you may have guessed by now, I can't list
> the contents of the directories.  It says that the connection has been
> opened successfully, but nothing comes out the other end.  

I think you forgot some libraries that ls needs:

root@hobbes(p3):binary-i386# ls ~ftp/*

gzip  ls    tar   zip

group    passwd   pathmsg

ld-linux.so.1   libc.so.5       libc.so.5.4.23

bhmit1    incoming

But, like Ben, I'm going to suggest something other than ftpd.  However,
my suggestion is wu-ftpd.  It's very popular for most ftp sites I have
seen (I must confess I have no experience with proftpd).  It has many
features that you may be interested in: connection limits (so people don't
open 1,000 connections and bog your machine down), I think you can have
several anonymous users of different types, and automatic change of
permissions on incomming files so people don't use you as a warez server.


Brandon Mitchell <bhmit1@mail.wm.edu>   "We all know linux is great... it
PGP: finger -l bhmit1@cs.wm.edu          does infinite loops in 5 seconds"
Phone: (757) 221-4847                      --Linus Torvalds

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