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deb package format

I've been on a few software sites lately where the owner of the site is a
software author.  There seems to be a growing trend for linux package
developers to provide packages in tarball and rpm format.

The two sites I have in mind are the Tkrat (a mail client for X) and Rhide
(Turbo C like environment for GCC) author's sites.

Both sites had versions of their latest packages in rpm format. Is there,
or should there be an effort to Debianize packages and provide the authors
with a .deb package to make available on their sites?

I know that 'alien' can install rpm files and in fact I did use alien to
install both of the packages I mentioned.  This might not be common
knowledge to people who are making the dreaded "which dist should I use?"

John Spence <jspence@newave.net.au>  http://www.newave.net.au/~jspence

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