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DEC "tulip" 10/100 ethernet


I just installed a new 10/100 ethernet card which uses DEC's "tulip"
(21140) chipset.  I have compiled in the support for the tulip and it
shows no errors during start-up but I am unable to access the network.

I am able to ping the loopback but when I try to ping another machine or
my router i get "eth0 enabled 100tx port".  It appears as if it wants
100tx but this is the only host on my LAN with a 100tx card so I am really
running at 10mbps.

Is there a file or something else I need to edit to make sure it tries to
use 10mbps instead of 100?  Is that the problem?

I am running 2.0.30 on a PPro 200 if that matters.

Thanks in advance!

p.s. HELP!!  I don't want to use Window's networking!

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