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Re: optimizing for Cyrix CPUs

On Tue, 2 Sep 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

> I was browsing around the rc5 site and noticed that the Cyrix-166+ chip
> out performed the Pentium 200 w/ or w/o MMX ... I was told this is because
> the Cyrix chip is optimized for interger calculations (better than intel)
> and the rc5 programs can be configured to be optimized for Cyrix.  Is it
> possible to do the same with the Linux kernel -- making Linux run much
> faster w/ Cyrix than it already is?  (of course not all programs need a
> huge amount of math calculations)

I would not be surprised to find that the RC5 optimization are an
algorithmic one. If they use floating point math in their caclulations
then Cyrix suffers badly, if they use solely integer then the Cyrix chips
fly, but the intel chips can hurt a bit.

AFAIk the kernely doesn't do much floating point so this doesn't really


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