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Re: splitting up the debian-user mailing list

Mark Phillips wrote:
> 3. In addition to calling for package maintainers, we can also call for
> volunteers to form "Topic Teams".  Each team would comprise people with
> some expertise in the topic.  Hopefully people would volunteer for more
> than one team.  The idea would be that you would make an extra effort to
> read email and help out on those topics for which you volunteer.  Topic
> teams would also be responsible for creating FAQs to answer frequently
> asked questions and to solve frequently encountered problems.

Yes, that makes sense. It would make even more sense if the actual
maintainer could be involved. Not all maintainers might have the
resources to follow all of the mailinglists, but if they're in a topic
team, then all the important information/bugs/feature requests would get
filtered out for the busy maintainer by his topic team.

Maybe it is also good to have maintainer teams for the more critical
parts of the distribution.

Whatever the outcome of the discussion, having a package that sets up a
mailfilter for these lists or places it in a local news hierarchy or
even makes it available through dwww would be nice.

Generally I think the whole idea of customizer packages is great. It
would be a major added value of debian over any other current


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